Post-processing scripts

Post-processing scripts run after a step finishes. Typically, post-processing scripts ensure that expected results occurred.

  • Use JavaScript 1.7 to write post-processing scripts.
  • In the script, do not use the ${p:component.myProperty} notation. For example, to set a property named myProp whose value is included in the output log, enter this script:
    var exit = properties.get('exitCode');
    scanner.register("regex", function(lineNumber, line) {
         var thing = 'do stuff';
    if (exit == 0) {
        properties.put('Status', 'Success');
    else {
         properties.put('Status', 'Failure');
  • The syntax for post-processing scripts is similar to the syntax for preconditions. See Process step preconditions.

Steps in component processes and generic processes can have post-processing scripts, but steps in application processes cannot.

Post-processing scripts come from the following sources:
  • Steps can have default post-processing scripts. These scripts are included with the plug-in. See Creating plug-ins.
  • You can override the default post-processing script for a step or provide a post-processing script for a step that does not have one. See Editing processes.
  • You can store post-processing scripts on the server for reuse. See Storing reusable post-processing scripts.
Post-processing scripts must set the Status property to specify the status of the script. The script can specify any value for the Status property. For example, to specify that the script was a success, run the following command in the post-processing script:

See The post-processing element for examples and more information.